When you live off campus, you’re actually part of two communities: JWU, and the neighborhood in which you live. How to be a good citizen of both:


Living off-campus is a maturing experience. As a student living in the community, you are a representative of JWU and, as such, your conduct reflects directly upon the university.

At JWU, civility is among our highest concerns. It is a privilege to be part of the JWU community and all of us need to honor that privilege through our actions, whether living on or off campus

Living off campus does not circumvent your responsibility as a member of the JWU community to abide by the   Student Code of Conduct  and the   Good Neighbor Policy , both which can be found in the   Student Handbook

As a student living off campus, you must understand and appreciate that residents of a particular community have made a long-term commitment to their neighborhood; students are temporary members of the community and usually remain only for the duration of their academic tenure. 

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Good Neighbor Policy, a list of expectations set forth by the university in order that off-campus students maintain respectful relations with the community in which they have chosen to reside.

Important areas of concern include, but are not limited to:

  • Noise
  • Automobiles
  • Property
  • Alcohol consumption

Students who enter into a lease and whose signature appears on the lease are jointly and severely liable for the whole amount of the rent.

The university will respond promptly to complaints from our neighbors and, if necessary, follow with appropriate disciplinary action. 

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